vrijdag 6 december 2019

Manage fragmented work with micro tasks, Office365 and Microsoft's new Fluid Framework

Today's world has increasingly fragmented work. How can these fragmented time slices be made more productive? The answer could be:  micro tasks. Learn in the links below how Microsoft uses its new Fluid Framework to seamlessly integrate #Office365 functionality acccross (mobile first) platforms.

Cracking the Code to Mobile Productivity - Our global journey to rethink, redesign, and align our mobile experiences: https://medium.com/microsoft-design/microsoft365mobile-3b5b7782152c

Other related resources

Micro productivity: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/microtasks-and-microproductivity/
Microsoft Ignite Blog: Microsoft Fluid Framework Preview: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-365-Blog/Microsoft-Ignite-Blog-Microsoft-Fluid-Framework-preview/ba-p/978268
Fluid Framework Online Preview: https://fluidpreview.office.net

donderdag 7 november 2019

(from Ignite 2019) Coming soon to Microsoft 365...

Coming soon to Microsoft 365... innovations in six key investment areas: productivity, knowledge, workflow, security, compliance, and management.

Learn more in:

Wanna quick look at a summary-video?

More on Ignite 2019?

Read the Ignite Book of News, your guide to all the announcements Microsoft is making with all the key details on the topics:
